(Featuring the Articles and Archive of Iain Wakeford)
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There are a number of old films on the British Pathe, BFI and other websites showing items filmed in (or relating to) our area. As you can see most feature the National Rifle Association at Bisley, the motor racing track at Brooklands or the Mosque at Maybury, which at the time appears to have held a special fascination for the film-makers.
The links below are to external sites, so you may have to press the 'back arrow' at the top left of your screen after viewing each page if they do not appear in a separate page.
1919 - September 19th - Feast of Sacrifice At Woking Mosque
1919 - The Lee Guinness Motor Racing Car at Brooklands
1920 - The Problem of Turkey (unfortunately as the film is silent, we may never know what the answer to the 'problem' may be).
1920 - Festival of Ramzan at Woking
1920 - Bisley NRA King's Prize
1921 - Light Car Derby at Brooklands
1921 - Ivy Cummins Racing at Brooklands
1921 - October 1st - Small Car Test at Brooklands
1921 - 500 Mile Race at Brooklands
1921 - Bisley NRA King's Prize (Won at 62)
1923 - A Motoring Holiday - Views of a race at Brooklands
1923 - Women's Record Race at Brooklands
1923 - Light Car Race at Brooklands
1923 - Bisley NRA Marksman's Mecca
1923 - Bisley NRA King's Prize
1924 - The Weaker Sex - A team of lady golfers at West Hill Golf Club take on the men!
1924 - 100 Miles and Hour at Brooklands
1924 - 200 Miles Light Car Race at Brooklands
1924 - Three World Motoring Records at Brooklands
1925 - The Visit of the Begum of Bhopal to Woking
1925 - Reliability Trials at Brooklands
1925 - 200 Mile Race at Brooklands
1925 - Bisley NRA King's Prize
1926 - Festival of Eid-Ul-Fitrat Woking and some out-takes from the same footage
1926 - Britain's First Grand Prix at Brooklands
1926 - 200 Mile International Race at Brooklands
1926 - 3 World Records at Brooklands
1926 - American Driver Harry Hart at Brooklands
1926 - Bisley NRA King's Prize
1926 - Bisley NRA Interview with Sgt Fulton
1927 - Speed King's Farewell at Brooklands
1927 - Women Drivers at Brooklands
1927 - Hawker Bi-Plane prepares for non-stop flight to India
1928 - Malcolm Campbell's Blue Bird at Brooklands
1928 - Moslem Festival at Woking
1928 - Cycle Car Race at Brooklands
1928 - King's Cup AIr Race at Brooklands
1928 - Bisley NRA King's Prize
1929 - Festival of Eid-Ul-Fitr at Woking
1929 - The Schneider Trophy at Brooklands
1929 - Bisley NRA King's Prize
1920-29 - Muslim Festival at Woking
1920-29 - Maharaja of India at Brooklands
1920-29 - Racing Driver Kaye Don at Brooklands
1930 - Bisley NRA - Muriel Foster & the King's Prize
1932 Bisley NRA - King's Prize
1933 - Muslim Festival at Woking